1 Stimulus example

Download stimuli [ZIP folder containing PNG files]

3 Data

3.1 Data set information

sID: subject ID Crystal_Order: Counterbalancing factor: the order in which the three causes were displayed (from left to right); 1_3_7 means, e.g., single-effect cause left, 3-effects common cause middle, 7-effects common cause right. Q_Order: Counterbalancing factor: the order in which the strength queries were asked Multiple_Effects: Counterbalancing factor coding whether the multiple-effects common cause was red or blue 1_strength_rating: DV (subjects’ ratings for the single-effect cause) 3_strength_rating: DV (subjects’ ratings for the 3-effects common cause) 7_strength_rating: DV (subjects’ ratings for the 7-effects common cause) Desktop_Confirmation: Check query (subjects had to indicate that they work on a Desktop PC [1]) Attention_Confirmation: Chech query (subjectes had to indicate that they will pay attention [1]) Age: Subjects’ age in years Sex: Subjects’ sex (1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = non-binary) Technical_issues: Open query (subjects could report any experienced technical issues) Duration (sek): The time subjects needed to complete the study (in seconds)

2022 Simon Stephan.