1 Stimulus example

Download stimuli [ZIP folder containing PNG files]

2 Demo Video

4 Data

4.1 Data set information

  • sID: a subject identifier
  • Condition: a condition identifier for all 36 between subject conditions (resulting from our counterbalancing factors)
  • Cause_order: the presentation order (from left to right) of the three causes on the screen (3 = the cc with three effects; 1 = the se with one effect; 0 = the non-cause)
  • Query_order: the order (top to bottom) in which the strength queries were presented on the screen (3 = the cc with three effects; 1 = the se with one effect; 0 = the non-cause)
  • multiple_strength_rating: subjects’ strength ratings for the cc
  • non_conn_strength_rating: subjects’ strength ratings for the non-cause (not connected to any effect)
  • single_strength_rating: subjects’ strength ratings for the single-effect cause
  • Desktop_Confirmation: subjects had to confirm to do the study on a desktop pc (1)
  • Attention_Confirmation: subjects had to confirm that they were willing to pay attention (1)
  • Age: age in years
  • Sex: sex (1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = non-binary)
  • Technical issues: subjects were asked to report any technical issues they may have experienced during the experiment
  • Duration (sek): the time subjects took to finish the experiment (in seconds)

2022 Simon Stephan.