1 Stimuli

2 Demo Version of Experiment

To see a demo of the experiment in a separate browser window, click here.

To download the program files of the experiments, click here. The study was programmed in JsPSych Version 7.3.

3 Data

3.1 Pilot Study

3.1.1 Data set information

The data set contains the following columns:

  • subj_code: subject ID
  • Condition: listing the 6 different conditions (numerically)
  • desktop_conf: Subjects’ response to a question asking them to confirm that they participate via desktop PC
  • attent_conf: Subjects’ response to a question asking them to confirm that they are willing to pay attention during the study
  • instr_tests: The number of times the subjects had to do the comprehension test (they had to pass in order to proceed)
  • Cond_sum: A summary name of the respective condition a subject was in
  • Rating_CC: DV: subjects’ strength rating for the common cause
  • Rating_SE: DV: subjects’ strength rating for the single-effect cause
  • explanation: Subjects’ explanations of their ratings
  • age: Subjects’ age
  • gender: Subjects’ gender
  • tech_issues: Subjects report of potential technical issues

3.2 Main Study

3.2.1 Data set information

The data set contains the following columns:

  • subj_code: subject ID
  • Condition: listing the 6 different conditions (numerically)
  • desktop_conf: Subjects’ response to a question asking them to confirm that they participate via desktop PC
  • attent_conf: Subjects’ response to a question asking them to confirm that they are willing to pay attention during the study
  • instr_tests: The number of times the subjects had to do the comprehension test (they had to pass in order to proceed)
  • Cond_sum: A summary name of the respective condition a subject was in
  • Rating_CC: DV: subjects’ strength rating for the common cause
  • Rating_SE: DV: subjects’ strength rating for the single-effect cause
  • explanation: Subjects’ explanations of their ratings
  • age: Subjects’ age
  • gender: Subjects’ gender
  • tech_issues: Subjects report of potential technical issues

2022 Simon Stephan.