1 Stimuli


2 Demo Video

4 Data

4.1 Data set information

The data set contains the following columns:

  • sID: a subject ID
  • learning_format: factor coding whether subjects saw only a single or both causes (common cause vs. single-effect cause)
  • target_cause: whether subjects in the joint presentation condition rated the common cause or the single-effect cause
  • target_effect: the target effect
  • color: color of the target crystal
  • strength_rating: subjects’ causal strength rating
  • Age: subjects’ age (in years)
  • Sex: 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = non-binary
  • Technical_Problems: subjects could indicate whether they experienced technical problems during the study
  • Duration: time (in seconds) subjects spent on the task
  • Date: date subjects did the study

2022 Simon Stephan.