1 Demo Version of Experiment

To see a demo of the experiment in a separate browser window, click here.

To download the program files of the experiment, click here.

2 Data

2.1 Data set information

The data set contains the following columns:

  • subj_code: a random subject ID (anonymous)
  • desktop_conf: subjects’ confirmation of taking part via PC or Laptop
  • attent_conf: subjects’ confirmation to pay attention
  • scale_orient: counterbalancing factor coding the orientation of the rating scale
  • DV_rating: subjects’ selection in the test phase (main dV); 0 means narrow scope explanation if scale orientation is “narrow left”
  • Scenario: the different scenario conditions
  • explanation2: the 2nd dv asked in this study: subjects’ explanations of what they would have done hadn’t they been forced to choose between only two options.
  • narrow_check: memory check question asking for the defining features of the narrow scope category (hunter)
  • broad_check: memory check question asking for the defining features of the broad scope category (spear fisherman)
  • age: subjects’ age in year
  • gender: subjects’ gender
  • tech_issues: subjects’ report of potential technical problems
  • narrow_correct: column coding whether narrow_check was answered correctly
  • broad_ocrrect: column coding whether broad_check was answered correctly

3 Sample size rationale

Power Calculations done with the website: http://powerandsamplesize.com/

A PDF showing a screenshot for the power calculation of the binomial test against chance can be downloaded here.

A screenshot showing the power calculation for the proportion difference can be seen here.

5 Analysis of subjects’ explanations

Note: A .csv file containing all subject explanations is included in the folder that come with the R-Markdown code download.

Note: the .csv file in the download folder with the tag “additional condition” contains subjects explanations from the additional condition in which the unobserved feature wasn’t mentioned in the test case description.

2023 Simon Stephan.