1 Demo Version of Experiment

To see a demo of the experiment in a separate browser window, click here.

To download the program files of the experiment, click here.

To download the program files for the animations, click here.

2 Pre-Registration

The OSF pre-registration can be accessed here.

3 Test planning (a priori power analysis)

see pre-registration.

4 Data

4.1 Data set information

The data set contains the following columns:

  • subj_code: a random subject ID (anonymous)
  • condition: a numeric condition variable
  • desktop_conf: subjects’ confirmation of taking part via PC or Laptop
  • attent_conf: subjects’ confirmation to pay attention
  • intro_check: subjects answers to the video check question testing if subjects can see the clips
  • structure: condition variable coding whether causal structure was reversible or irreversible
  • first_object: counterbalancing variable coding which cause appeared first
  • learn_check_left: (dv) subjects’ responses to the learning video in which the left cause acts alone
  • learn_check_right: (dv) subjects’ responses to the learning video in which the right cause acts alone
  • first_obj_caused_rating: subjects’ ratings for the trigger causal statement about the first cause (dv)
  • second_obj_caused_rating: subjects’ ratings for the trigger causal statement about second first cause (dv)
  • first_obj_maintained_rating: subjects’ ratings for the maintaining causal statement about the first cause (dv)
  • second_obj_maintained_rating: subjects’ ratings for the maintaining causal statement about the second cause (dv)
  • timing_check: check question probing subjects’ understanding of the causal reversibility of the scenario
  • recorded_at: the date and time participants did the study
  • age: subjects’ age in year
  • gender: subjects’ gender
  • tech_issues: subjects’ report of potential technical problems
  • timing_check_correct: column coding whether subjects correctly remembered the order in which the causes acted in the test situation
  • learning_check_left_correct: codes whether subjects answered learning video question for left cause correctly
  • learning_check_right_correct: codes whether subjects answered learning video question for right cause correctly
  • learning_check_correct codes whether both learning checks (left and right) were answered correctly

6 Pilot study

The pilot study tested N = 93 subjects and everything was exactly as in the main study. For further details about the sample and the results, see the analysis script linked below.

2024 Simon Stephan.